Real estate agent Frank Mollard (Anthony LaPaglia) won’t admit it, but he can’t move on. Divorced but still attached, he can’t sell a house in a property boom and much less connect with his teenage son. One night Frank gets a phone call from his mother. Nothing out of the ordinary apart from the fact that she died a year ago! —- IMDB: Written by David Bryson
This is not a great movie, but it is mildly entertaining and, in places, moving and real. La Puglia is excellent a Frank Mollard in a very nuanced role. The story is emotional, sensitive and simple with good character development. The humour is very dry and gentle with a soundtrack that is minimal. It was filmed in Adelaide, South Australia, and I enjoyed watching something that felt familiar. The Adelaide scenery is beautiful. The slow pace of A MONTH OF SUNDAYS won’t suit everyone but the themes are significant and worthy of reflection.