Air (2023)

AIR is an intriguing biographical drama that transports viewers to the 1980s, a time of boundless opportunity and excitement. The story follows the fascinating journey of Sonny Vaccaro, a former shoe salesman who became a leading figure in the sports industry. The movie delves into the challenges and triumphs Vaccaro faced in his personal and professional life as he helped create the iconic Air Jordan brand, revolutionising basketball culture and fashion.

What sets AIR apart is its captivating dialogue-driven narrative that is both complex and engaging. The movie is skillfully directed by Ben Affleck, who expertly builds tension throughout the story, leading to an intense climax that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The music and montage at the movie’s beginning are a masterful touch, transporting the viewer back to the 1980s and perfectly capturing the atmosphere of the time.

Matt Damon’s performance as Sonny Vaccaro is genuinely remarkable, showcasing his acting talents. He delivers an authentic and convincing portrayal of the sports industry pioneer. Viola Davis also offers a nuanced performance as Michael Jordan’s mother, bringing depth and complexity to her character.

Despite my initial reservations about the sports-centric subject matter, AIR transcends the genre and offers a powerful message about the importance of perseverance and teamwork. The movie celebrates ambition, determination, resilience and the power of self-belief. I highly recommend AIR to anyone looking for a compelling story, expertly told.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

(In cinemas in Australia – check your local movie guide for show times.)