Full Time (2022)

If you have ever had to juggle full-time work with parenting then you will appreciate this French movie, FULL TIME. The story follows Julie as she tries to secure a job that will enable her to better provide for her child. However, things do not go according to plan when a national transit strike throws a wrench in her plans.
The film does an excellent job of portraying the difficulties of working mothers. Julie is constantly torn between her responsibilities at work and her duties at home. She is also under a lot of pressure to perform well at both. This can be very relatable for many viewers who may have experienced similar situations in their own lives.
The lead actress, Laure Calamy, does an amazing job of conveying the emotional roller coaster that Julie is on throughout the film. She can capture the frustration, anxiety, and determination that comes with trying to balance work and motherhood. And the cinematography by Victor Seguin brilliantly shows the frenetic pace of the city and the director, Eric Gravel, chose to colour-correct Paris to make it look cold and hostile to Julie.
Overall, FULL TIME is a well-written and acted film that will resonate with anyone who has ever had to juggle full-time work and parenting. It is a relatable and moving story that is sure to leave you feeling empathy for single working mothers everywhere.
(In cinemas in Australia – check your movie guide for your local show times.)