In a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, two rebels just might be able to restore order: Max, a man of action and of few words, and Furiosa, a woman of action who is looking to make it back to her childhood homeland. — IMDB

The 30 year wait has been worth it! What an incredible movie. It is frenetic from the first frame until, after a few minutes, you get a chance to take a breath before the next bout of action occurs. MAD MAX is absolutely stunning with its brilliant cinematography, powerful soundtrack, wonderful machines, and quirky characters. But this movie is more than just action. There are clever references to the role of women in society, stolen children, destruction of the environment, power by controlling of natural resources and various religious beliefs. There are so many levels in this wonderfully rendered story that it will bear watching many times over. The acting is great with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron putting in terrific performances. The choreography of the fight scenes are totally extreme and eye-popping. The experience is exhilarating and wonderfully exhausting. There is a self-contained story, so you don’t need to have seen the previous Mad Max movies. MAD MAX must be an Oscar contender this year in multiple categories.  If you are going to see this, you MUST see it at the cinema and in 3D. If you miss this then you are crazier than the characters in the movie! Wonderful!