The film follows the story of a famous fictional stand-up comedian Manny Lewis, who connects with millions of fans but finds it hard to connect to one person. Manny struggles to overcome his sense of alienation and shyness, and a difficult relationship with his father, in a romantic and feel-good quest for the love of the quirky Maria.
– Written by Charlotte Greig (IMDB)
MANNY LEWIS was a delightful surprise! Manny is played by Carl Barron (who also cowrote the screenplay) who is an Australian comedian. Barron plays Manny with charming understatement. Manny’s love interest is played by Leeanna Walsman (Star Wars Episode 2) who is gentle and subtle and together, they have a genuine chemistry on screen. This movie is funny and sad at the same time. It’s great to see a romantic comedy drama with people who are not beautiful (in the celebrity sense – sorry, Manny and Maria!). Apart from a somewhat cheesy ending, MANNY LEWIS has true depth with some great situational/observational comedy – much like Barron’s stage comedy for which he is famous. Thoroughly enjoyable.