SUMMARY: Four denizens in the world of high-finance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid-2000s, and decide to take on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight. —IMDB

MY REVIEW: THE BIG SHORT will not be for everyone. As it tells the story it has to try to convey complex financial topics to its audience making the movie very didactic. The writers have gone to rather bizarre and comedic lengths to get these concepts across to the viewers. For example, in one scene Margot Robbie, as herself, languishes in a bubble bath as she tells us all about mortgage securities. At times, the actors speak directly to the audience – in movie talk it’s called breaking the fourth wall. But all of these antics make it very successful in communicating its key concepts and, for a dialogue-driven movie, there is an excellent feeling of suspense. The acting is certainly good (especially Steve Carell). If you watch this one, be ready to have to concentrate hard! Definitely worth the effort.