Operation Mincemeat (2022)

Operation Mincemeat (2022) is a movie that tells the extraordinary story of the British operation during World War II that used a dead body to deceive the Nazis about Allied invasion plans. The movie does an excellent job of depicting the lengths that the British went to win the war.
It’s simply told, and that simplicity is effective in telling the story. The movie does a decent job of building suspense and keeping the viewer engaged. The acting is good, and the movie is well-paced. The ending is a bit abrupt, but it’s a small complaint in an otherwise solid movie.
It’s themes of deception and sacrifice make it a movie that’s worth watching. If you’re interested in World War II history, or in seeing a movie that tells an incredible true story, then Operation Mincemeat is worth checking out.
(In cinemas in Australia – check your movie guide for your local show times.)