Strange Darling (2023)

The image shows the lead star of "Strange Darling," a young woman with striking, bright red hair styled in loose waves. She is sitting on a bed, wearing a black lingerie top. The setting appears to be a dimly lit room with warm lighting from a nearby lamp, casting a soft glow on her face. Her expression is intense and contemplative, adding to the moody and atmospheric tone of the scene. The background features wooden paneling, contributing to the retro or vintage aesthetic of the setting.

Strange Darling is a captivating horror thriller that keeps you guessing with its twists and turns, evoking a range of emotions and surprises that will keep you engaged. While primarily a psychological thriller, the film’s intricate storytelling and deep character development make genre categorisation difficult. The narrative centres around an encounter that escalates into a series of nightmarish events, with each twist challenging your perceptions and expectations. Watching this film without prior knowledge enhances the viewing experience, as its unexpected plot developments rely on the element of surprise. To avoid spoilers, I’ll keep this review vague. It’s best to go in blind for impact.

The storyline of Stranger Darling expertly builds tension, drawing you in slowly before ramping up the suspense with unexpected and intense moments. The deliberate pacing may seem slow at times. But it effectively heightens the sense of anticipation throughout. As the plot unravels, it becomes evident that the director skilfully manipulates our expectations. You feel like you’re heading one way only to suddenly find yourself in a very different, more unsettling reality. The mood is sombre and ominous, with subtle (and not so subtle) hints of something eerie lurking beneath the surface.

One of the standout features of Stranger Darling is its technical quality. The cinematography is captivating, using shadows and light to evoke a sense of unease. The colour scheme is subdued, punctuated by touches of red that suggest violence. The visual aesthetic perfectly complements the narrative, with each shot crafted to build suspense. Close-up shots during intense moments allow you to experience the characters fear and desperation on a visceral level.

The performances also shine in this film. While the cast may not feature A-list celebrities, they deliver portrayals that anchor the story’s more surreal elements. The lead actor’s depiction of a character teetering on the brink of madness is particularly striking. There’s a rawness to their acting that renders the characters descent into insanity, both plausible and heart wrenching. The supporting cast also excels, infusing depth and nuance into their roles. Seemingly minor characters possess complexity that enriches the overall impact of the film.

The movie’s music perfectly complements its atmosphere. The soundtrack is haunting, with jarring notes that keep you on edge. It’s not the type of music you’ll find yourself humming later. It greatly enhances the film’s mood. The editing is precise, with cuts that contribute to the disorienting nature of the plot. At times, the editing becomes almost frantic, reflecting the characters inner struggles and intensifying the feeling of chaos.

Symbolism plays a role in Strange Darling, incorporating various recurring themes that enrich the storyline. The use of mirrors, for instance, is especially impactful in representing the characters’ duality and blurring the line between reality and madness. The production design also deserves recognition for its slightly unsettling sets that contribute to an overall feeling of unease.

All that being said, there are aspects of the film that may not appeal to everyone based on individual preferences. While the pacing is generally effective, there are moments in the middle where it slows down, which could test some viewers patience. Additionally, there are instances where the plot feels overly complex, with twists that appear intended to shock rather than advance the narrative. However, these issues are minor concerns in an otherwise well-crafted and captivating movie.

Strange Darling bears some resemblance to psychological thrillers, yet it manages to establish its own unique identity within the genre. Viewers who enjoy films like Shutter Island or The Others will discover much to admire, while even those not typically inclined towards this genre might find themselves engrossed by the unexpected twists and intricate plot developments of Strange Darling. It’s an experience that rewards patience and careful observation, leaving lasting impressions that linger in your thoughts well beyond the closing credits.

A suspenseful and evocative thriller, Strange Darling delivers more than enough to validate its position in the genre. Though not perfect, the film’s strengths far outweigh its flaws, making it a must-see for thriller enthusiasts. Just remember—approach it with no prior knowledge for a truly exhilarating journey. With its performances, eerie visuals, and a storyline that keeps you on edge, this is a movie that will stay with you long after you exit the theatre. And a warning: Strange Darling definitely earns its MA15+ rating! So be prepared.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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