Set over one summer, the film follows precocious six-year-old Moonee as she courts mischief and adventure with her ragtag playmates and bonds with her rebellious but caring mother, all while living in the shadows of Disney World.
This is a remarkable movie. It has the feel of being very realistic and that is, to a large degree, due to the acting of the two main kid characters who, I believe, have not had acting experience before. Their shades of innocence and innocence-lost are, at the same time, inspiring and heart-rending. It’s sad to see the way some people are forced to survive, living right at the margins of so much wealth, and navigating incredible challenges. Despite what is happening to the adults, the children seem oblivious and make their own fun and enjoyment as they are able. Daniel Defoe’s character is interesting as he watches from the sidelines, caught in the dilemma of compassion and rules that prevent him from doing what he wants to help the struggling family. The only problem with this movie is that it is way too long and feels, at times, to drag, losing the natural momentum of the story. But overall, challenging but rewarding viewing.