The Son (2022)
The Son is a powerful, moving drama. The movie follows the story of a young man, Nicholas, played by Zen McGrath, who is struggling to make sense of his life in the wake of his parent’s separation, his father’s relationship with another woman, and his father having another son with her. As Nicholas’s mental state deteriorates, he decides he wants to go and live with his father (Peter, played by Hugh Jackman) and his new partner (Beth, played by Vanessa Kirby), inevitably increasing the complexity of life for everyone. The fallout from this decision leads to a heartbreaking series of events.
At times, The Son is a brutal movie to watch. The story is emotionally draining and sometimes feels like a roller coaster. The performances are superb throughout the film. Zen McGrath is particularly impressive in his portrayal of Nicholas. And Hugh Jackman delivers an emotionally charged performance as a father struggling to come to terms with his past mistakes while trying to do right by his sons, his ex-wife, and his partner.
The Son could be a better film. The story is sometimes too heavy-handed, and some characters feel underdeveloped. And there is one scene with a psychiatrist that doesn’t ring true. There are also moments when the film feels like it’s trying to be emotionally manipulative to get a response from the audience. Despite its flaws, I found the movie a compelling drama that has stayed with me after leaving the cinema.
(In cinemas in Australia – check your movie guide for your local show times.)